
Aidex 2012


Having just returned from a fruitful and successful trip to the US, Le Menach Foundation is looking forward to attending Aidex 2012
in Brussels. The only event of its kind taking place in Europe for buyers and suppliers of Humanitarian and development aid, the conference
has some relevant workshops and discussions for the industry.
How the international community delivers aid and develeopment with the Millenium Development Goals reaching their deadline in 2015
what comes next is of huge signiicance in a world facing massive economic instability. Working in peace building and in development using
a social enterprise model, promoting market solutions rather than aid dependencey and working with the rurual poor, I am particularly looking
forward to workshops, 'From Food Aid to Food Security: New approaches to the new reality, and New Models for Aid Delivery: Is the NGO dead?

Innovations not only in technology but also in the way we deliver our expertise is a crucial conversation and high on my agenda and I am glad
to say, Aidex and I look forward to connecting with industry professionals.


Ingrid Stellmacher, 30/09/2012
